Sarah is a broadcast journalist with many years’ experience reporting and presenting for BBC News, Sky News, Channel 4 News, 5 News and others. She has also written for magazines and newspapers (she wrote a daily column in The Scotsman for 18 months) and the financial news broadcaster CNBC. She published two books and her blogs often get reposted across social media. She was a member of the Guild of Food Writers for several years and also wrote about travel, humour and pop psychology.
Her e-Book “How to Feed Your Family for Less” was published by the budgeting website Moneymagpie.com, for which she also wrote food articles. The most popular recipes were turned into “how-to” videos on YouTube. Sarah has sat on focus groups as a ‘super consumer’ advising manufacturers on product ideas, branding and marketing.
Her first book The Dish, co-written with Penny Isaacs, Troubador, 2009 was a humorous volume on how to captivate a potential partner through food. It led to a series of popular columns for msn.com giving fun dating advice, which the msn editor described as “intelligent and hilarious”.