You may have seen that I have done my first #unboxing (which, for the uninitiated, means videoing yourself opening a product a company has sent you for promotion). I am …

I’m an influencer! But wait till you hear what for…

It wasn’t meant to be…
C’est la vie, acceptance and resignation, it wasn’t meant to be, it wasn’t on the cards, the stars didn’t align, fate had other plans for me. All these cliches went …

Does Your Poo Float? And what this teaches us about life
Well, I’ve got a great title here, and it’s grabbed your attention. Now I just have to come up with the content – and I have! Sooo… Briefly, floating poo …

From doubt to delight, to ditching it
I was doubtful but I thought: it might be the best thing I’ve ever done!