They just appeared! I’m certainly not making any money off them. Does it mean my posts have reached a certain level of poularity? A certain number of views? So the marketing powers-that-be think it’s worth their while posting ads there, to make people buy widgets or hemorrhoid cream, or whatever? Probably not. My YouTube channel is a bit niche – it’s only audition tapes and showreels for Casting Directors to watch.
I suppose it’s YouTube’s platform: it’s free to me, so I should just live with whatever ads they put on there, as a quid-pro-quo for getting the free facility. It’s even a badge of honour that I’ve come to their attention, I guess. It’s obviously slightly annoying that potential clients have to wade through the ads before they can see my content – they’re busy people after all – and I hope they do hang on to watch my videos. If I’m really fed up with it I can always post my stuff to Google Drive or WeTransfer etc – also free (under a certain limit, maybe?)
So, if anyone would like to visit my YouTube Channel, here are the highlights, without having to watch the ads (I think?)