
Showing: 69 - 72 of 96 RESULTS

Listen to your gut… or don’t?

I have recently been doing some new types of work, with new types of people. My gut has been twisted in knots, because some of the people I’ve been working …

Cringey Mission Statements?

“About us: we’re a community of constant explorers, travelling the globe and breaking open horizons to breathe beauty into life”. OK, so do you know what this company does yet? …

Are you having a good pandemic?

People are having very different experiences of lockdown in the UK. a) Some are working all the hours God sends, at their normal place of work (nurses, paramedics, NHS staff, …

Cringey Job Titles?

Here are some job titles on LinkedIn – these are the first 10-ish words under your actual name: “building bridges to what’s possible”, “savvy, connected dealmaker”, “high-energy individual looking to …