Sometimes we feel like we’re not being our authentic selves, but here’s my advice: I recently had to do a job with an American accent (it was stipulated on the …

Fake or What the Job Requires?

The Important First 10 Seconds of a Conversation
When people only have your voice to go on (ie on a phone call or in a radio interview) you only have 2-3 seconds before people decide whether you’re worth …

Auditions are like a Sickly Kitten
Auditioning for roles, or interviewing for jobs… are exactly like a sickly kitten. What I mean is: For many decades now, I have bought kittens from breeders. I currently have …

Appearances can be Deceptive
I recently went to work disguised as someone else – I’ll explain why later. But here’s what it taught me. Do we really not recognise each other because we wear …