
Showing: 1 - 4 of 40 RESULTS
Sarah Lockett ITN

Communication for Sales

“Salesy” isn’t a compliment. “He’s a bit salesy” I hear my girlfriends say when they’ve been on a date which hasn’t taken off. “Pushy” isn’t a compliment. We have a …

Microphone, Sarah Lockett

Unmarketable Tomatoes… bear with me

There’s a lively stream of video clips doing the rounds on social media: of lectures, podcasts and classroom lessons being taught by people with VERRRRRRY strong accents, making the material …

Conference Speaker Training

It’s conference season, and you’ve been booked to speak at a conference. Or you’ve paid to speak at a conference – it makes no difference, you still have to do …

Location shoot, Dudley, 2022

Chasing payment, the usual culprits…

I shouldn’t need to say this but to all Indian film producers – you must pay your UK actors. Not rocket science? A bit obvious? But yes. Quite often, I …