By which I mean: is your voice dull? Is it monotone, lacking in “light and shade”, changes in tone and pitch? Flat, repetitive, difficult to listen to for any length …

Are you dull?
WFH video calls: stop doing this one thing
I recently did a Zoom call with 100 participants. I would say 97% of them had terrible lighting, framing and positioning of their webcam/laptops! Whilst this may not matter to …

Remote Media Training
Downtime? Use the time to come back bigger and better. How are your communication skills? How are your presentation skills? How are your media skills? Even if you think you’ll …
Pub Quizzes and Media Training
What do Pub Quizzes have to do with Media Training? One of the things I do is host Pub Quizzes. Another thing I do is Media Training. What do they …