I’ve just been asked to do an audition both in a ‘high status’ manner and ‘low status’. So, the same character, with the same lines as a timid, beaten-down little …

High Status/ Low Status

Do professionals have tattoos?
Do professionals have tattoos? Do professionals have facial piercings eg eyebrow, nose, lip? Do professionals have pink/green hair? Do professionals wear black/blue lipstick? Do professionals wear hats indoors? (in the …

Some of my movies are bad. Is it me?
Don’t answer that. I see from the internet that some elements that ruin a movie are: a badly written story, unnatural or incoherent dialogue, flat or overdramatic acting, miscasting, cheap …

The time Donald Sutherland recoiled when he saw me in the street
OK this needs some explaining. The Hollywood A-lister must be used to fans, paparazzi, journalists, critics, aspiring actors, writers brandishing their scripts, charity workers requesting a donation or endorsement – …