I was recently offered 10 cents a word for recording voiceover dialogue/narration in my home studio. This could be quite a good rate (I have been paid more though). It …
Voiceover accents – cultural appropriation?
The elder daughter is up in arms because I have sent in a demo of a “Middle Eastern” accent for a v/o job, and I am not Middle Eastern. “It’s …
A lot of us are podcast interviewers now – but are we any good?
In #lockdown, a lot of people are podcasting, video podcasting, hosting webinars/guesting on webinars, vlogging, hosting online masterclasses, and interviewing other people to add value to those masterclasses (colleagues/contacts/experts etc). …
Which one is more engaging?
I was going to title this, “Which one of these women looks less likely to deliver a useful, interesting, structured webinar?” And I think I know the answer. This is …