OK, now I sound like an unsufferable big-head. I’m not. But here’s my reasoning: I am freelance, so if I was no good, no-one would ever employ me again. I’d …
See the news last night? Ooh yes… nasty blouse.
An old joke, but true! Never mind the headlines, did the presenter do, wear or express something through his/her body language that distracted you from the story? We know 70% …
Am I judgey?
…or just observant? When I watch TV, or do a Zoom call, I look at the people on the screen and say (actually out loud!) things like, “Hat, fringe, perm, …
Are you dull?
By which I mean: is your voice dull? Is it monotone, lacking in “light and shade”, changes in tone and pitch? Flat, repetitive, difficult to listen to for any length …