“Salesy” isn’t a compliment. “He’s a bit salesy” I hear my girlfriends say when they’ve been on a date which hasn’t taken off. “Pushy” isn’t a compliment. We have a …

“Salesy” isn’t a compliment. “He’s a bit salesy” I hear my girlfriends say when they’ve been on a date which hasn’t taken off. “Pushy” isn’t a compliment. We have a …
I have just learned that I am an ESFP personality type. “The ESFP personality type is Extroverted, Sensing, Feeling, and Perceiving, which means they are energized by time with others” …
Here are some examples of the first few words of press releases/pitches which lost my attention and led me to press delete. Literally within 2 seconds. Which is how long …
There’s a lively stream of video clips doing the rounds on social media: of lectures, podcasts and classroom lessons being taught by people with VERRRRRRY strong accents, making the material …