
Showing: 21 - 24 of 67 RESULTS

Are you an early adopter? I’m not. And here’s why it works for me…

I am sooooo not an early adopter. I have only just, this week, tried out a Lime bike for the first time – in fact twice in the past 2 …

‘Negotiate like a child’

“Negotiate like a child: you want to stay up late, watch TV – AND eat ice cream!” That’s what a business leader once told me: ask for everything that you …


Do professionals have tattoos?

Do professionals have tattoos? Do professionals have facial piercings eg eyebrow, nose, lip? Do professionals have pink/green hair? Do professionals wear black/blue lipstick? Do professionals wear hats indoors? (in the …

green screen, Sarah and Al

Teamworking – Part 2

I recently did some filming at home with my cameraman friend Alistair – and the client dialled in from the USA via GoogleMeet. We perched my laptop on a stool …